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Thanks for Purchasing TAAL Digital Stethoscope.
This is your warranty page, please use the form below to register with us. Online Warranty registration is only valid for models purchased through authorised dealer(s) in India. Please contact customer care at or call us at 7406133330 should you encounter difficulties with your online registration. 

Online Warranty Registration

Thanks for submitting! We manually confirm warranty, look for us in your email

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MUSE Diagnostics is a Bangalore based ​Medical Device company founded by a Veterinarian, a Sound Engineer & a Geneticist.  


In 2016, Arvind Badrinarayanan & Sumukh Mysore met at a recording studio in Bangalore, where Arvind, a veterinarian, was trying to extract digital heart sounds from a Vinyl LP from the 1960s that had recorded Dog heart sounds, to run through a diagnostic algorithm. Sumukh, a sound engineer and musician was at the studio where his knowledge of audio recording, formats, and transfer started a conversation among them.


This led to a deep discussion on medical technology and how to create and improve devices by applying scientific principles within a digital framework. We reasoned that this would enable the creation of
databases that could suggest diagnosis!


And so Muse Diagnostics was born...

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